We don’t need to tell you that a good website can work wonders for a business. You need a good development team you can rely on to deliver a secure and effective website. There are a few things that are worth checking before you select a developer to build your next website.

Here are the following questions to ask when choosing someone to update or build a new website for you.

Do they outsource their development work?

Have a developer who is able to speak to you directly – if you select a local developer this will be easier than working with someone in another country who may interpret something you want to be done, slightly differently.

Check your website developer’s background

Check the reviews from customers who have worked with the company, or ask to speak to a few customers directly. This will give you a really good view of what they are like to work with and if they would be a good fit for your business. Read the testimonials on their website.

How long has the web developer been around?

You need someone with experience who understand domains, DNS settings, transferring websites, has built multiple sites (Check for an online portfolio). Can your new developer offer ongoing support as well? You don’t want to have a website finished then ‘here’s the keys, see you later!’

What security does your website developer plan to add to your websites?

Even good websites can attract hackers who may exploit your website. Poor coding can minimize the security holes of your websites. Don’t hesitate to ask your developer what features will be put in place on your website to minimize your future risks.

Here at Miniwebs, we follow best practices when looking after our customers and would love to touch base with you if you are ready to build your new website.

Call us now on 07 3804 1891 or send an email to [email protected] and we’ll get back to you ASAP.