For many businesses, your website is an important tool, and like all your other business tools and equipment, it needs to be updated occasionally.

You should as a first priority, be ensuring that maintenance is done regularly on your current site to remove any security loopholes and keep all your plugins, modules, and core site structure up to date.

But what if that hasn’t been done and your website has ‘lapsed’ over the last few years?

Then that’s a good sign you really do need a ‘facelift’.

You need to ensure the following:

Your website is responsive to mobile devices – i.e. it’s mobile-friendly (check at site ‘looks’ modern and fresh you do not have a copyright date in your footer dated way back in 2008! Do you have your site configured for Search Engines to find you easily?

A website should be a living, breathing document that gets updated and refreshed regularly and not left to linger – that’s when you are very likely going to need a brand new website. A bit like servicing your car – regular maintenance keeps it working well and efficiently – forget your services and your car spews smoke out the back!

If your website is not producing the results you would like it to or it’s not being ‘found’ by those searching for your product or service – then perhaps it’s ready for an overhaul.

We’d be happy to help!