There’s loads of easy tech tools out there to help in your business but here’s just a couple of quick ones – more next week! 

One of my favourites!

Enter your keyword & he’ll suggest content ideas in seconds..

Free Images

We all like to find free images we can legally use so here’s a couple of websites you may or may not know about: – advertised as “The best free stock photos & videos shared by talented creators.” – The internet’s source of freely useable images.

Both of these sites you simply enter in a keyword relevant to what you are searching for an multiple images appear.



Spectacle is the place where makers and marketers get inspiration for their next video project and stay current on the latest video trends.

Lots of Viral videos as well as branding and design videos to give you inspiration


Need to find a good slogan?

Just enter a keyword or 2 and a whole range of ideas come up.

Check them out!